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Missionary Moment 
September 2024
by Tim Batchelor

Back in July I was traveling through Jefferson County, and I passed a couple of dryland fields that had been harrowed but not planted. For years I have passed by these fields in the summer, and they would be planted in cotton or peanuts. For some reason, this year the farmer decided not to plant.  I wondered if the farmer hadn’t planted because the drought that we endured during the planting season greatly reduced the prospects of a crop. If the reason the farmer didn’t plant was due to the drought in June, he made a serious miscalculation because those who did plant now have fields on a path to great harvests due to the rains that came in July. It takes faith to plant in drought when there is no rain in sight, but a field not planted is a field that will not yield a harvest.

This illustration serves as something of a parable for many churches and many lives.  The field is the world, our neighborhood, or community.  It is ready for the seed which is the Word and the ministry of the people of God. To plant the field will require an investment of time, effort, finances and heart.  Sometimes we hesitate to go to work.  We find all kinds of reasons not to sow the seed.  They wouldn’t really want to hear it.  They won’t come anyway.  No one will respond.  Our efforts will be wasted.  Times are hot and dry….no need to plant right now because the crop won’t make anyway.  It takes faith for the farmer to plant in a drought and it takes faith for the church to sow the Word and the Ministry in dry times…but sow we must.  Faith is our business, and it is our way of life.  If we do not sow in droughts we cannot expect to reap.  A field unsown will never produce a crop. Consequently, no matter what conditions we find ourselves in, let us persevere in our business which is to sow the seed and let the Lord worry about the watering through the rain of His Spirit because He promises “in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.”  (Galatians 6:9)

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